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Prenatal Visits

We understand that choosing the right provider for your baby is vital. It is especially helpful for first -time parents and those who are facing a high risk pregnancy. Expectant mothers can visit with our pediatrician and staff to discuss their expectations and get information about our practice. This is a good way to get a tour of our practice and meet our doctor in person.


School & Sports Physicals

We offer pre-participation and school physicals. If you are not an existing patient we do require that you have your updated shot record and the form on you at your appointment. Please be advised that pre-procedural or participation physicals may not be cleared the same day until all investigations and parameters are met.

Well-Child Care Exams

We offer well child visits from new born to 21 years of age. We follow the AAP guidelines for the schedule. Your child’s growth, development and mental and emotional well being is addressed at all visits.

Screening includes:

♦ Iron and lead levels

♦ Vision and hearing screen

♦ Oral risk assessment and fluoride varnish

♦ MCATT screen for autism

♦ EPSDT screening

Vision & Hearing Services

As per medicaid.gov website about a quarter of all school-aged children have a significant vision problem, and two to three out of every 1,000 children are born with hearing impairments, which can range from mild to profound. Many more children develop hearing problems after birth. If we suspect that a child has a vision or hearing problem, the child should receive further evaluation and necessary treatment. Please visit the Medicaid.gov to learn why Vision and Hearing Screenings and services so important.

Newborn Care

We provide new born care to your baby at most of the hospitals in town. Dr. Koul is on staff and sees the babies in the hospital for new born care. She also performs any needed procedure like circumcisions at these hospitals.

Lab Services

Diagnostic Lab

We do tests like urine exam, strept throat, flu and RSV tests in house to name a few... Also, we are contracted with most of the labs and will direct you to the one that is covered by your insurance. Our doctor has access to the results all the time and will communicate with you in a timely manner.


We believe and strongly recommend that all children should receive the recommended vaccines according to the guidelines provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Center of Disease Control (CDC)

We at Bixby Pediatrics follow the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Our clinic is stocked with all the vaccines those are available for preventable diseases. We will address all your concerns about vaccines. 


For information about these vaccines and the diseases the protect against, please visit the AAP and CDC sites. Click on the below logos.


♦ Download the PDF - Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, UNITED STATES, 2018

♦ Sign up at CDC to receive latest Immunization information.

♦ Recall Notices